March Newsletter
Read the Full March Newsletter and March Calendar. Click the link for the Sneaker Rating Key
Welcome to our March 2025 Newsletter! Here you will learn more about all that’s happening at the center during the month of March and beyond! We are looking forward to Spring after this cold snowy winter!
Join us when you can, and don’t forget to invite friends! Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
Thanks as always for making our center a fun place to be! YOU make the difference!
DONATION DRIVE! Your donations are what make the difference at the Troy Senior Center! We are able to offer FREE quality events and reduced cost day and overnight trips because of you! In the past we have accepted annual dues. We now request an annual donation to help support the center. The suggested donation is $10 per person for the year. Donations can be made by check or cash. Checks are payable to JTSC. Donations can be mailed or dropped of at the center at 409 Collinsville Rd. here in Troy. Hours are genereally Mon. Wed. Thurs. 9 am till 2 PM. No one should feel obligated to donate! All donations, small or large are appreciated! Thank you for helping all seniors live their best lives! Call the center with questions! 618.667.2022
Our next Monthly Luncheon is March 6th at NOON at Wiesemeyer. We have the O’Faolian Irish Dancers entertaining! We’re serving corned beef and cabbage, red potatoes, mixed fruit, a dinner roll and dessert. $10 at the door. RSVP IS VERY IMPORTANT! If you RSVP’d and can no longer make it, PLEASE call the center at 618.667.2022, and let us know! Many Thanks!
Our First Live and Learn of the year is Wednesday the 26th at 1 PM at Wiesemeyer. Barbara Kay, a historical re-enactor will be here to share her story of surviving the sinking of the Titanic in 1912. Molly is famous for her heroic actions and leadership during the sinking. She used her fame to promote women’s rights, and became the first woman to run for congress in 1914. You won’t want to miss this exciting tale of determination in the face of fear.
Drum Fun is on Friday’s at 9 AM through the colder months. Class is held at the Skating Rink here in Troy. Lisa Edwards is our leader!! Thank you, Lisa! Bring a friend! ALL ARE WELCOME! This seated session is perfect for music lovers who want to have a good laugh and improve and maintain upper body strength and mobility. This class is FREE! NO RSVP required! Join us!
Bingo continues every Monday at 12:30 at Wiesemeyer. We’ll have a light snack and there is no cost to play, and no RSVP required.
Our Hand and Foot card game is back and more popular than ever! We play the second and third Thursdays of the month. In March we will play on the 13th and 20th from 12:45 – 3:30 pm at the Wiesemeyer building. No experience needed! Free to play.
“Sit n Get Fit” Class meets every Wednesday at 10 AM at the office (house). This class improves strength and flexibility, all in a fun inviting setting! Bring a friend for this seated exercise class! Weights, exercise bands and water are provided. THIS CLASS IS FREE! Please RSVP to the office at 618.667.2022. If you forget to RSVP, come anyway, we’ll make it work!
Pokeno is Wed. March 19th at 12:30 at Wiesemeyer. We’ll serve a light snack, and there is no cost to play. No RSVP required. Charter Senior Living is sponsoring this game. Thank you, Charter! Cambridge House will be providing snacks for all of 2025! THANK YOU TO ANGIE at CAMBRIDGE HOUSE IN MARYVILLE!
Our Food and Friends group will get together Wednesday the 26th at 4 PM. The location will be determined after the February dinner. Separate checks as always, bring a friend, and we’ll share all the news that is news! RSVP is a must!! Call the center at 628.667.2022 to RSVP.
BUNCO is on March 27th at 1 PM at the office. Seats are currently full, call the center to get on the waiting or sub list. 618.667.2022
Day Trips 2025
March 12th – All About Springfield Illinois!
May – Bellefontaine Cemetery, in STL. Coolest cemetery around! Lots of famous people buried there, and a beautiful arboretum to boot!
August – Maybe a Shawnee Wine Trail Day?
October – Stages, to see Carol King’s musical, “Beautiful.”
December 2025 – Wildey Theater to see White Christmas.
I’m working hard on our 2025 calendar! If you have suggestions for Live and Learns, new entertainment, or day trip ideas, please let me know! As always, my hours are generally Mon. Wed. Thurs. from 9 am till 2 pm. Please know, if I am in the office at the “house” my door is always open! If not at the “house” you can always leave a message at 618.667.2022 and I will get back with you as quick as I can!
Wanda Todoroff
Activity Director