Silver Creek Rotary

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November 2023
10am Sit n Get Fit at Little House
1PM Hand and Foot - Little House
9am Drum Fun at the Skating Rink
  5   6
10AM St. Charles Trip Ticket Sales Begin
Bingo 12:30pm Wiesemeyer Building
  7   8
10am Sit n Get Fit at Little House
1PM Hand and Foot - Little House
9am Drum Fun at the Skating Rink
  12   13
10am Sit n Get Fit at Little House
Bingo 12:30pm Wiesemeyer Building
  14   15
10am Sit n Get Fit at Little House
12:30 Pokeno at Wiesemeyer Building
Noon Luncheon - Wiesemeyer Building
9am Drum Fun at the Skating Rink
  19   20
Bingo 12:30pm Wiesemeyer Building
  21   22
10am Sit n Get Fit at Little House
Happy Thanksgiving!
9am Drum Fun at the Skating Rink
  26   27
Bingo 12:30pm Wiesemeyer Building
  28   29
10am Sit n Get Fit at Little House
1pm Bunco - Wiesemeyer Building