Silver Creek Rotary

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October 2023
  1   2
Bingo 12:30pm St. Paul's Lutheran Church
  3   4
10am Sit n Get Fit at Little House
11am Million Dollar Quartet
12 Noon Senior Luncheon at St. Paul's Lutheran Church
9am Drum Fun at the Skating Rink
  8   9
Center Closed - Columbus Day
  10   11
10am Sit n Get Fit at Little House
Dairy Queen Fundraiser 3-8pm
9am Drum Fun at the Skating Rink
  15   16
Bingo 12:30pm St. Paul's Lutheran Church
  17   18
10am Sit n Get Fit at Little House
12:30 Pokeno at St. Paul's Lutheran Church
  19   20
9am Drum Fun at the Skating Rink
  22   23
Bingo 12:30pm St. Paul's Lutheran Church
  24   25
10am Sit n Get Fit at Little House
1pm Rules of the Road Course at St. Paul's Lutheran Church
1pm Bunco - Little House
9am Drum Fun at the Skating Rink
  29   30
Bingo 12:30pm St. Paul's Lutheran Church
Happy Halloween